typedstream IBObjectData Object CustomObject InspectPlot ButtonCell ActionCell Title Reset Helvetica Matrix Control Responder Title FormCell Title: @:@iiii ff@@#::s Field: NXImage NXswitch NXswitchH points error bars join points titles Switch Button Square MenuTemplate *@*@ccc OtherViews MenuCell NXpopup NXpopupH SolidSquare Times PopUpList popUp: Solid DotDash point size: TextField TextFieldCell point type line type: Draw Options [15@] WireFrame Slider SliderCell dddf@d@ Grayscales Symbol 3D Options WindowTemplate iiii***@s@ InspectorPanel Panel Field4 Slider3 Field1 Slider1 InspectorPanels Field11 Field Slider4 Field3 Slider2 File's Owner Titles Field2 Field5 [56@] IBOutletConnector IBConnector contentBox drawOptMatrix IBControlConnector drawOption: titleForm titleForm: resetTitle: IBHelpConnector Objects/Panels/PlotOptions.rtfd The bars The points The Titles The form in the lower part restore the original popUpButtonSymbol popUpButtonLine plotSymSizeNumber plotSymSize: phiSlider phiText thetaSlider thetaText distanceSlider distText wireFrameSwitch fillSwitch meshSwitch cubeSwitch grayMatrix newPhi: newPhi_degrees: newTheta: newTheta_degrees: newInvDist: newDist: toggleWireFrame: toggleFill: toggleMesh: toggleCube: newGray: The join points The Axes Line Options Plot Symbol Symbol Size The Dist slider wire frame fill with grey scales The Cube